Last update [ 2023-06-08 ]
Bolha is a Portuguese word and it means Bubble. Our community was born when Telegram got blocked in Brazil at the beginning of 2022. Initially, we created a way to access the Telegram IT channels using Matrix and Discord. At the time, everything was interconnected using the MatterBridge tool.
Even after Telegram got unblocked, some people continued to use Matrix and Discord to interact with some IT channels on Telegram. With this, the use of the Bolha became a matter of choice. We decided to leave everything connected to enable people to use whatever they want to use to talk about tech stuff :)
In May 2022, we installed a Mastodon instance to test it, and we did this because Twitter was acquired by someone who could make the network unsafe for our community. Thus, since microblogging is something that we like, we decided to jump into the Fediverse to experience open and decentralized social networks.
We entered the Fediverso because of the takeover done on Twitter by his new owner.
The takeover was the trigger; however, deepening our knowledge in this new universe was magical.
The philosophy, the tools, the ideas, the ideals, the goals, and its culture fit us. We stayed and occupied our space, and we are in constant expansion and movement.
Bolha is an excellent laboratory; we want to prove that living without BigTech's social networks is possible. We want to show we can have a safe, moderate, modern social experience with solid content, quality, and respect.
This is a network of real people. We want to be an inclusive, organic, and safe space for all communities and persons.
We are offering tools that help our community flow freely. We have video, chat, microblog, photos, forums, and more.
Bolha was born to prove that using decentralized social networks is possible, which is enough for us!
#Help channel on matrix
UTC -3